Sunday, November 3, 2013

Tekken: Rise of the Angel: Chapter 29

Eventually, Steve Fox help Andy and his team escape the casino building and met up with Alcazar outside who receive word from Samuel Wong and Joey Houston that the battle was going well with the enemy being driven back to a corner.
“Andy. You and your friends okay?”
“We are, sir.”
“Good to see you up and about.”
“I sure am, sir. Where is Sophie?”
“She is fighting her father.”
“I see...She might need our help.”
“I suppose so.”
Xiaoyu and Miharu come out and were reunited with Alisa and Natsu.
 “You okay?”
“Yes, I am okay...How about you?”
“Oh, we clear the lower levels and kick some serious G Corp ass.”
“Glad to hear it.”
“Hey, Miharu.”
“You look terrible.”
“A few days of rest and I will be bright as rain again.”
“I see your sarcasm has remained intact.”
“Sir, we need to find Sophie.”
“Well, you want to her I see.”
“Of course.”
“Well, okay...Take your team with you.”
“Thanks, sir.”
“I will come too.”
“And me as well.”
“Okay, Xiaoyu...You and Miharu can come but one condition.”
“What is it, general?”
“Strictly as observers.”
“As observers?”
“Oh, okay.”
“Very well.”
“Go...We got this covered.”
Alcazar gets word from Lei Wu Long via two-way radio. Lei literally tells him that the enemy’s resistance is crumbling and they were on the verge of victory.
“Hey, Ramon...Got some good news for you.”
“What is it?”
“We have the enemy in full retreat...We will need to make sure all the possible exits are covered.”
“I will get on it...How are the others holding up?”
“Well, this and that, my friend.”
“Good...I just hope the big battle doesn’t carry its way here.”
“You think so?”
“Yes...And I wouldn’t want to be around when they do.”
“I hear you.”
“So, best warn our allies to quickly move to closer to the lower levels. Just to be safe.”
“Understood, Ramon.”

Meanwhile, Andy and his team along with Xiaoyu and Miharu tagging along run towards the stadium.
“We are almost there...Stand on...” began Andy as they all see someone flying out through the wall of the stadium and smashes right into a wall of the casino building with the area around it vacant. Alex asks Alisa if she manage to catch a glimpse of who it was.
“Yes, Alex?”
“Did you see who it was?”
“I think it was...Sophie.”
“Yes. I am positive.”
“Okay, let’s go...Andy?”
“Right behind you, buddy.”

Eventually, Andy and his friends head to where Sophie was as Alisa led the way.
“We are getting close.”
They then found Sophie lying against a wall that she slammed into and she was out for a moment but quickly comes to her senses but her vision remains a little blur.
Sophie recognizes the voice but cannot make out who it was.
“It’s me, Sophie...Alex.”
Sophie’s vision starts to become clearer and she literally does see her beloved Alex and was both pleased and relieved.
“You are okay.”
“Yes, Sophie...I am.”
Alex and the others help Sophie up as Xiaoyu asks what has just transpired.
“Sophie, tell me what has happened?”
“Well, it was um...Hard to say.”
“Come on...There must have been a big brawl between you and Kazuya.”
“Well...” began Sophie as she suddenly spots a dark energy ball heading right towards them and Sophie tells everyone to get away as she will stop it herself. “Everyone, get back! NOW!”
“Move it!” shouted Andy as he and the others quickly dive for cover as Sophie musters her energy and struck at the dark energy ball with her fist as it came down.
“Sophie!” cried out Xiaoyu.
Eventually, Sophie was able to match the dark energy ball for a while before the sheer force of hers and the energy ball caused an explosion that blasts her backwards and down to the ground and everyone glances to the direction.
“What is that?”
“Your guess is as good as mine, Alex.”
They all see someone was heading towards them and was surrounded by pure dark energy and Sophie tells everyone to get out of here as she knows who it was.
“All of you...Get out of here.”
“But Sophie...”
“There’s no time to argue, Xiaoyu...GO!”
“You heard her...Let’s get back at a distance.”
“Uh, if I remember correctly, Miharu...There’s no such thing as a safe distance when Mishimas are fighting each other.”
“You mean that is...”
“I think so.”
Andy and the others got out of the way and watch at a ‘safe’ distance as Sophie sees none other than her father strolling towards her and at the same time, he was transforming into his evil and terrifying devil ego. His devil eye glow brighter than before and he then was fully transformed into his devil self and stood seven or so feet taller than he originally was and towers over Sophie.
“My daughter...It is time for daddy to probably teach you to respect me.”
“I find that amusing...father.” replied Sophie as she wipes the blood off her mouth and manages to stand back up and she was not the least bit intimidated of her father’s true devil appearance.

At that moment, Xiaoyu was scared of the same deja’vu that she and Alisa have witness before.
“Not this again.”
“I can see, Xiaoyu.”
“That’s the devil gene’s true form?”
“Yes, Natsu.”
“Oh my...That is spooky.”
Andy, Michael, Alex, Shirley, Vivian, Colin, Chris and Ross all could not believe their eyes as Kazuya was now in his devil form and prepares to fight Sophie. Sophie bravely stood up and tries to laid several punches on Kazuya but were all in vain as Kazuya was easily able to use one hand to block her punches.
“I sense some power in you, Sophie...Why not use it?”
Sophie’s punches barely had any effect on Kazuya as to him it merely tickles. Kazuya then grabs Sophie by the neck and holds her aloft. Sophie struggles to free herself as Kazuya just smirks right in her face.
“Oh, Sophie...Why don’t you beg to daddy for mercy?”
Sophie does not answer and just grunts and Kazuya throws her so hard that she slams right through a park bench literally smashing it to pieces.
“You disappoint me, Sophie...Why holding back who you really are and um...” began Kazuya as he stroll towards her looking quite casual and all. Suddenly, Sophie struck Kazuya a punch so hard that even while he was in devil form he felt the blunt of the blow with Kazuya showing an evil grin on his face.
“Well, I am impressed.”
Kazuya then slams his fist into Sophie and punches her extensively and once again grabs her by the neck and attempt to break it but literally it was just a bluff because he knew it would be too easy.
“You getting tired, my daughter? Perhaps your father could help you.”
Sophie grunts and winces as she struggles and Kazuya bursts out in laughter.
“HA HA HA! Witness the power of the devil and...”

All of a sudden, someone charges right into Kazuya and slams him to the ground and Sophie falls to the ground still grasping for air.
Kazuya gets back up and sees before him his son who too has transformed into his devil form but looked different and this time, Jin was able to control his anger and emotions.
“That is enough of your bickering...Father.”
Kazuya chuckles and was amused at the fact that Jin would merely help his sister and never thought Jin would actually show off his good and benevolent side.
“Well, Jin...I never thought that someone such as yourself would help your sister.”
“She has shown me the light, father...And now you will pay for your actions.”
Kazuya smirks with an evil grin as Jin grunts in slight anger.
“I wouldn’t think that it would be easy, my son...Because this isn’t going to be like last time.”
“I am well aware.”
“And you really think you can face me alone this time?”
“Who said I was alone?”
Suddenly, someone leaps out and was now standing behind Kazuya and he immediately sense who it was.
“Well, I will be...”
“Your reign of evil ends here, Kazuya!”
Heihachi Mishima shows off his hidden technique known as the ‘Iron Fist Aura’ with his skin all now bright red not to mention his attack power, defense and speed have increased.
“You want a piece of me then bring it on!”
Kazuya recognizes the distorted laughter as it was none other than his own grandfather’s and he emerges in his demon monster form with a purple aura surrounding himself and his stomach shows an evil ugly mouth with vicious teeth.
“This time, your evil reign of terror is at its end.”
“You flatter me, grandfather...I will show you all just how strong I have become.”
Heihachi helps Sophie up as she still feels a little hurt and her ribs were slightly bruised.
“You okay, Sophie?”
“Yes, grandpa.”
“Good...Take a rest and leave it to us.”
“That’s right, Sophie...Your great granddaddy is very proud of you. You are the one that unite us together.”
“Great grandfather...”
“The time has come...For me to rid you Mishimas with me as the divine one!”
“Come on, father...This ends here and now.”
“I knew you will say that, Jin...Sophie, I will deal with you last so that you can watch your brother and those two senile fools die first.”
“You have become a bad boy, Kazuya!”
“You will pay for your treachery!”
Jin then fires a devil beam at Kazuya who shields himself with his devil wings and Heihachi charges in and manages to land a blow on Kazuya’s devil body.
“You are strong, father...But I am stronger than you!”
Kazuya then delivers a fast and rough kick into Heihachi’s stomach and then elbows him down the ground.
“I remember the time when you wanted this power...You wonder why you couldn’t accept it?”
“That was long ago, Kazuya...I made my mistake of trying to find it.”
“Your mistake was that you saw me as weak! And now I shall have my vengeance!”
Jinpachi then fires a huge fireball at Kazuya who quickly counters it with his devil beam.
“You will stand down, Kazuya!”
“I don’t think so, grandpa.”

Meanwhile, back inside the casino building, Paul Phoenix and his gang had join forces with the G Corp soldiers and attack the allied forces. However, they underestimated the potential of the youth tiger cubs and were soon defeated. Craig Marduk and King were defeated by Anna O’Connor and Veronica Li, Miguel has been subdued by both Kevin and Kathy, Joey clobbers Marshall Law with Michelle and Ivy’s timely assistance. Paul was defeated by Patricia Wong with some help from Jenny Kim and eventually all the members of Paul’s gang were subdue by Samuel Wong and the others. Patroklos and his few classmates manage to capture the coward Hwoarang and Steve Fox along with Raven, Julia, Jun and Zafina engage Hwoarang’s minions.
“Just like old times, isn’t it, Raven?”
“Indeed, Steve...Indeed it is.”
“You think Eddy would be all right with Bruce?”
“I am sure he is...Nina is also fine as well.”
“Good...I wonder how the Mishima family battle is faring?”
“I don’t know...But I suggest we move as far away from here once we have claim victory.”
“Of course. Ramon is also aware of this.”

Meanwhile, Eddy Gordo and Bruce Irvin were now fighting in the restaurant level as they fought like true warriors and at the same time they destroyed the place with their powerful attacks. Eventually, Eddy managed to barely manage to defeat Bruce thanks to the surprising arrival of an unexpected person.
“Hey, Eddy...Sorry I was late.”
“That’s all right. Better late than never.”
Bruce was defeated as he was quite taken in by Christie Monteiro’s appearance.
“Um, Christie...”
“Yes, Eddy?”
“So, what did I miss?”
“Our airborne cavalry have secured the rooftops and the G Corp soldiers there have been neutralized.”
“Oh, is that what took you so long?”
“Well, thanks...Now let us take on Bruce together.”
Bruce just smirks and sees that this whole battle has lost but not entirely but being a smart man he knows when to retreat so that he could live to fight another day.
“I am quite pleased of your efforts...We will concluded our fight for the time being.”
“Let’s call it an unfinished duel then...We shall fight again someday.”
Bruce then smashes the windows beside him with a well-aim kick and then glances back at both Eddy and Christie one last time.
“Be seeing you.”
Bruce then leaps out through the window as Eddy and Christie watches in astonishment and they go to the edge to see what has happen to Bruce and surprisingly he emerges back up in a concealed jetpack.
“We shall meet again, my worthy rivals!”
Bruce then flies off but instead of heading out into the horizon there was something he still needs to do. Both Eddy and Christie wonder why and at the same time, both were slightly disappointed that Bruce Irvin had just escaped their grasp.
“He got away.”
“Don’t feel bad, Eddy...At least we have him on the run and we will get him next time.”
“If you say so.”
“We should find our allies...They might need help.”
“You are right, Christie...Let’s go.”
“Right behind you!”

Meanwhile, just on the floor below them both Nina and Anna Williams were still going toe to toe with each other and suddenly Anna calls for backup in an evil attempt to get the upper hand.
“Guards, nail her!”
“Damn you, Anna...You dare show such dishonour?!” uttered Nina quite irate.
“When you are evil...You get to cheat, my dear Nina.” replied Anna in an alluring and charming tone of voice.
Nina was electrocuted by a stun batten and falls to her knees with Anna laughing as Nina was then restrained by four G Corp soldiers as Anna moves in and wants to make her sister suffer a slow and painful death.
“Now, I think it is time to play with you.”
Suddenly, one of the G Corp soldiers holding Nina was killed from someone stabbing him from behind and the other three turn and they too were cut down easily by a mysterious samurai and both Williams sisters knew who it was.
“No way...”
“I have come to help rid of evil.”
A couple more G Corp soldiers were bearing down on their position as Yoshimitsu tells Nina that he has got this.
“Nina, my dear...I will handle them. Go and fight your evil sister to your heart’s content.”
“I am in your debt, Yoshimitsu.”
“All those who fight against evil are friends of mine...Now, let’s fight!”
Yoshimitsu makes short work of the G Corp soldiers and Nina with a renewed fighting spirit manages to get the best of Anna as she was now grunting with pain and it was Nina’s turn to taunt her.
“Is something wrong, Anna? You are grunting with pain.”
“You think defeating me will give you victory here?!”
Anna then glances back and sees someone approaching with a jetpack.
“Well, someday we will continue this fight so until next time...Sweet Nina.”
Anna promptly leaps out of the window and Bruce Irvin catches her in his arms and they both flew away to safety.
“Nice timing.”
“Thanks, Anna...Let us get out of here.”
Bruce and Anna Williams make their escape as Nina watches them escape and despite that Nina remains calm.
“Well, she always was a slippery one.”
“Evil may get away this time but next time...It may not.”
“You have a blessed heart, Yoshimitsu.”
“Indeed...Come, let us put an end to these evil doers.”

Sure enough, the ultimate battle between the Mishimas have gone to the critical point where Jin and Kazuya head butts each other in the face and Heihachi attempts to do the same from behind Kazuya.
“Take this, Kazuya!”
Heihachi makes his head butt attempt and Kazuya promptly ducks down and accidentally head butt Jin in the face. Kazuya smirks and attacks his father with cruel efficiency.
“Losing your touch?!”
Jinpachi moves in but was knocked down to the ground by a devil beam from Kazuya. If Jinpachi had not blocked it then it would have done some serious damage to his still frail and fragile body.
“You should retire, grandfather...I am giving you this chance.”
“I will not...You are not the grandson that I use to admire!”
“Well, if you will not back down willingly...Then I shall do it for you!”
Kazuya without a slight hesitation fires a much more powerful devil beam as Jinpachi fires a huge hellfire wave and the two attacks met each other head on creating a chain reaction of some sort. Sophie who was still breathing hard saw that her family members are united to fight against Kazuya and she knew that if she didn’t help then all would be lost.
“My grandfather, great-grandfather, uncle, brother...You will not be alone.”
Xiaoyu rushes to Sophie and she was deeply upset and could not bear to see the fight between the Mishimas anymore.
“I will help them...If it is the last thing I do.”
“No, Sophie...PLEASE!”
“Do not worry, Xiaoyu...Alex, get everyone back. It is time that I shall put an end to this for good.”
Alisa heard that quote somewhere before and Alex gets everyone back while Sophie focuses her aura as the ground around starts to shake and Xiaoyu begs Sophie to stop.
“Sophie, please...STOP!”
Sophie’s eyes glow and suddenly large gray-colour wings appeared on her back as the back of her jacket torn off and her eyes were slightly white and Kazuya sees Sophie’s transformation and was utterly quite pleased.
“So, you are finally showing your true self, my daughter.”
“Yes, father...I am ready to continue fighting.”
“I see...I see that you wished to save the Mishima bloodline, right?”
“That is correct.”
“Well...” began Kazuya as he scoffs at Sophie’s ideal. “Then I have no choice. I must finish you!”
Sophie then prepares to fire an energy beam and Kazuya takes to the skies as Sophie fires and even though it hit him it was barely a scratch.
“HA HA HA! You have do better than that my daughter!”
Sophie then flies up and prepares to fight his father in the skies as Jin also joins in the fray. Heihachi and Jinpachi helps from the ground below and knew that Sophie was special.
“Sophie is special, isn’t she, my son?”
“Yes, father...Let us give her a hand and put an end to Kazuya’s tyranny.”
“Right with you...This old man still got some fighting energy left in him.”
“Xiaoyu...You should get out of here!”
“This bloodshed must stop!”
“I know...We will put a stop to it.”
“Leave it to us, young one.”

At that moment, the allied strike force has cleared the building with the G Corp soldiers following behind them when a devil beam fired by Jin destroys part of the structure and causing quite a large amount of damage. Steve Fox and Raven rallied their allies together and make sure the G Corp soldiers do not get far away in this commotion.
“Raven, hook up with Lei and the others...We cannot allow them to get away.”
“You’ve got it.”
Raven darts off and unites with Lei Wu Long, Nina Williams, Bob Richards, Eddie Gordo, Christie Monteiro, Julia Chang and Yoshimitsu as they gather all the surviving allied force soldiers and go after the fleeing G Corp soldiers. Alcazar joins up with Steve as Raven and the others took off and compliments on the fine work that they have accomplished.
“Good job, amigo. We were quite a team, yes?”
“It is, my friend.”
“Well, no time to lose...Steve, you, I and our students will go back to the stadium to see if our friends need help.”
“You sure that is wise, Ramon?”
“Perhaps...I will bet there are still some enemies lurking about near the stadium or possibly looters.”
“I suppose so...Well, no time to lose. Let us head over there without delay.”
“Right...Sam, Joey, Patrick, Lili. You and your classmates ready?!”
“Ready, sir!”
“Then...Follow my lead!”

Therefore, Alcazar, Steve Fox and the students of class 10A and B head back to the stadium on what was left of it as Kazuya smashes Sophie and Jin into the middle of it and their combined beam attacks caused a massive explosion that literally destroys the whole stadium.
“Uh oh...Change of plans. We need to get out of here.”
“I heard that.”
Alcazar then rallies everyone to fall back to a safe distance and sees several foolish looters being buried by the debris of the fallen stadium as they attempt to make off with some food left behind at the food stands outside the stadium itself.
“Those idiots.”
“We need to find some safe ground, Ramon.”
“Yes...Over there, my friend. On that small hill.”
“You lead...I will bring up the rear.”
Alcazar leads the way as the students of both class 10A and B or rather most of them follow their discipline master’s lead with Steve Fox bringing up the rear. Alcazar wonders where was Andy and his team and feels quite concern for them.
“Hang on a minute? Where’s Andy and his team of amigos? Sam?”
“I don’t know, sir...I think they might be in the thick of it.”
“Well, I just they are all right.”
“I agree, sir.”

Meanwhile, Andy and his friends trying to find a safe place as the Mishima battle was getting more intense by the minute as Kazuya literally defeats his grandfather with a swift devil beam attack that it knocked him out cold and he slowly changes back to his old and fragile human self.
“Sorry, grandfather...You will have to sit this one out.”
Heihachi leaps towards Kazuya and prepares to attack his evil son with all he has got. At first, things were even between them but Kazuya decides to end the fight between his father with one decisive blow.
“This is the end of you, father.”
“Not if I can help it.”
“Well, your so-called father has been defeated and my two children are recovering from my last blow so if I defeat you the game is over.”
“It will never been over, Kazuya...Not until one of us is no longer breathing. And I mean all of us here!”
“Such an ass...I will show you that this time I am the superior being.”
“Then let me have it then.”
Heihachi and Kazuya charges at each other as Heihachi lunges a powerful iron kick and smacks it right into Kazuya’s face. Although Kazuya was physically hurt he didn’t show any signs of pain and instead he promptly grabs Heihachi around the waist so tightly that even Heihachi show signs of pain.
“My turn!”
Kazuya flew high into the air and over the destroyed stadium as Andy and his friends watched from below.
“What is that?”
“That’s Kazuya and he’s holding somebody, Shirley.” Replied Vivian as she could partially see it but cannot tell who it is. “Alisa, can you see it?”
“I have confirmation...It’s Heihachi Mishima.”
“What? No!”
Xiaoyu felt very devastated as to her the Mishima war was over in a way but she wouldn’t believe it ended in the devil’s favour.
“This cannot be happening.”
Kazuya flew high into the air and right up to the clouds and then flew straight back down like a jet going on a ballistic approach. Kazuya slams back down to the earth with Heihachi in tow and the impact was so powerful it completely destroyed the audience seats of the stadium as it collapses all around them in a bigger pile of rubble.
“We better get further back...It’s not safe here!”
Andy and the others falls back as inside the ruins of the stadium. Kazuya stands high on the still rather intact stage as he glances around and sees that he is the apparent victor.
“HA HA! I have beaten you all! The Mishima bloodline is finished.”
Jin flew straight at Kazuya as Sophie pitches in and now Kazuya had to deal with his two children.
“I guess daddy will have to teach my kids how to behave.”
Kazuya and Jin wrestle while in mid-air as Sophie attempts to take advantage but Kazuya was prepared and elbows Sophie hard and head butts Jin.
“You have been a threat in my way for too long, Jin!”
Kazuya then holds his hands together and then dark energy was conjured in between.
“Witness a new technique of mine...Vile Ball!”
Kazuya sends his dark energy ball right into Jin that explodes on impact and Jin falls from the sky and to the top of the casino building and was knocked out.
“That’s for beating me back at Kyoto Castle.”
Sophie then attempts to avenge his defeated brother but was not a match for Kazuya’s speed and power. Kazuya hits her hard with all he got and eventually her clothes start to tear to shreds.
“Now, my daughter...Witness my true power and my might!”
Sophie attempts to fight back using her energy beam but it was futile as Kazuya easily invades it and knees Sophie in the stomach before using a Mega Kick that sends her flying straight into the casino building, which left a big hole on the top floors.
“I shall end you now, my daughter! You were good but I am...Better.” uttered Kazuya smirking as he fires his devil beam at his own building and literally damaging the structure itself.
“Forgive me, my good casino...But you are expendable.”
“NO!” cried out Xiaoyu angrily as Kazuya fires another beam that completely destroys the whole casino as it collapses within seconds. Alcazar along with Steve and others as well as the students were speechless of Kazuya’s passion of destruction and would even destroy his own asset in the process.
“That Kazuya...He has no sense of humanity.”
“He doesn’t, Ramon...He will destroy anything who stands in his way.”
The students all show signs of worry for Sophie and their teacher, Heihachi who might be dead but they all know Heihachi would not die that easy.
“I hope Sophie is all right.” muttered Anna O’Connor as she turns to Veronica. “Don’t you think, Veronica?”
“Of course.”
“That makes three of us.” muttered Kathy as she too was concerned and Joey tells everyone that they must have faith in Sophie and pray for her.
“Everyone...We must have faith. Let us pray to our good friend and I know she will come through.”
“Joey is right...Boys, you with me?”
“Yes, Sam!”
“Good. Let us pray for hope then...Together!”
Alcazar and Steve watches their students praying for their friend and their beacon of hope, which left them both impressed and inspired.
“Our students sure can unite together.”
“Yes...I never seen anything like this before. They sure can work well together.”
“You’ve said it, amigo.”

Kazuya meanwhile descends down to the ground as Xiaoyu bravely and foolishly scolds at him for all the bloodshed he has caused.
“You have gone too far, Kazuya Mishima! You are a devil and a monster! And you are...” began Xiaoyu as Kazuya moves in and grabs Xiaoyu by the neck and holds up aloft with Andy and the others helpless to act as Kazuya fires a beam that knocks them all to the ground.
“Stay out of this, you vermins!”
“You will not harm my friend, Kazuya Mishima!”
“Miharu Hirano, is it? Such a spunk.”
“You don’t scare me.”
Miharu bravely and foolishly attacks Kazuya but it was futile as Kazuya promptly grabs Miharu by the neck with his other arm and holds up aloft like Xiaoyu.
“HA HA HA HA! You little girls will serve as a warning to all those who dare defy me.”
“I can’t...”
“Now...Prepare to accept your...” began Kazuya as suddenly a powerful energy beam was fired from inside the destroyed casino building that blasts Kazuya off his feet and to the ground while at the same time, both Xiaoyu and Miharu were freed from his tight grip.
Xiaoyu winced as she rubbed her neck, which left a bruised from Kazuya’s tight grip.
“Man, does that devil got a big grip.”
Miharu was unconscious as Xiaoyu goes to check on her best friend.
“Miharu, can you hear me? Miharu!”
Miharu wakes up and quickly sees her good friend, Xiaoyu who helps her up.
“I am glad you are safe.”
“Yeah, who saved us?”
“Beats me.”
They both turned to see some white light shining brightly from inside the debris of the casino building as Kazuya shields himself from the light with one of his arms.
“What the...”
The bright light then dims slightly and a figure comes out from the rubble and both Xiaoyu and Miharu were speechless whereas Kazuya was shocked to see who it was.
“Impossible! It cannot be...”
It was Angel, the pure being that rivals the devil and Kazuya killed her after he merged permanently with the devil back in the 4th Iron Fist tournament at Honmaru. Angel eventually looked different as it was literally Sophie herself as her clothes were now all shining pure white and her hair was as well with them as beautiful as starlight.
“Is that...”
“I think so.”
Angel tilts her head up and looks at Kazuya head on.
“You thought you had destroyed me back at the 4th tournament, devil? Well, you figure wrong.”
Kazuya clutches his devil fists tightly and asks Angel how did she survive.
“How come you are still alive?”
“My physical body was destroyed but my consciousness remain intact and I went to the little girl whose mother you raped and killed. A great sin indeed. So, I took pity on the little girl and bonded with her...” began Angel as suddenly her voice changes and now it was Sophie herself speaking. “And now, father...Angel and I are as one just like you. And together we shall punished you for your crimes and sins.”
“Sophie, you think you can do that with reason alone?!”
Sophie literally wraps right in front of Kazuya in the blink of an eye and Kazuya launches several punches but Sophie now could easily dodge them with relative ease.
“Impossible. It’s almost like...”
Sophie then punches Kazuya in the face that literally hurts him and Kazuya quickly flies high into the air but Sophie follows right after him. Kazuya was experiencing deja’vu as back in Kyoto Castle when Jin changed form and he gains the upper hand.
“I will not lose like last time!”
Suddenly, Jin intercepts Kazuya and smacks him right in the face and Sophie also strikes Kazuya in the face with all she’s got.
“This cannot be...I will not be defeated!”
“HA HA HA! So, who’s the one showing fear, Kazuya!”
“That voice!”
Kazuya glances down below to see his good for nothing father Heihachi Mishima with arms to his hips and laughs out loud like he often does when he achieves a clean victory.
“You will soon know the meaning of the word: ‘defeat’.”
“YOU! I thought I had killed you!”
“Killed? HA! A Mishima does not die that easy, Kazuya. Have you forgotten?!”
“We Mishimas are no ordinary beings, my grandson.”
“Father is right, Kazuya...If we were going to die we want to make sure you go first!”
“You dare mock me?!”
“Son, allow me.”
“Of course, father...I will like to get up there and give him a piece of my mind.”
“With pleasure.”
Jinpachi then fires a large fire ball at Kazuya who easily dodges it and Jinpachi afterwards gives his son a leg up.
“Here goes!”
Jinpachi then literally boosts Heihachi high into the air with sheer force and while in mid-air Heihachi prepares to strike with his uppercut assault.
Heihachi smacks Kazuya once right on the hard stomach body and it kind of hurt as Jin tackles Kazuya stunning him for a brief moment before Kazuya returns the attack and fires a powerful devil beam.
“I, the devil, shall smite you!”
Sophie flew at top speed and slams right into Kazuya causing a great amount of pain and damage.
“Her blows are stronger than before...How could this...”
Sophie performs an aerial combo, which was a mixture of Mishima arts and Wing Chun and after being hit a couple of times Kazuya pulls back and attempts to use his newly learned technique once more.
“Time to bring an end to this, my daughter.”
Kazuya then holds his hands together and then dark energy was conjured in between.
“Vile Ball!”
Kazuya sends his dark energy ball right into Sophie who literally dissolves it by blocking it with one palm, which left Kazuya speechless.
Sophie then fires an Angel beam at Kazuya, which explodes on impact when Kazuya took a hit. Despite that, Kazuya still held his ground and fires back his devil beam as Sophie dodges it using quick agility. Jin strikes a punch at Kazuya who then kicks him aside and barks at his son to wait his turn.
“Get back in line, Jin...My opponent is Sophie!”
Sophie tackles Kazuya and the two carry on with their fight. Eventually, Sophie winks her eye at Jin as the two of them communicate telepathically with each other to use a discovery attack that would allow them to gain the upper hand.
“Brother...Let us end this. Let’s use a discovery attack on our father.”
“I understand.”
“I learn this from playing chess...I will keep him busy and when he makes an attack go and keep him at bay.”
“Very well...I hope it pays off.”
“It will.”
“Right, let’s do it.”
Kazuya unfortunately could not pick up Sophie’s telepathy and charges straight at her who dodges it and flies off.
“You afraid of me, Sophie?”
Sophie turns around and struck a powerful blow that hurts Kazuya even more as this made him even more angrier.
“Is that how you treat your daddy?!”
Kazuya then prepares to unleash another ‘Vile ball’ attack with him holding his hands together and literally dark energy was conjured in between them.
“I will end this here and now.”
Suddenly, Jin tackles Kazuya out of nowhere and stopping his attack.
“What the...”
“You forgot me, father.”
Jin shows no mercy and punches Kazuya twice using Kazama style techniques, which left him stunned.
“Sophie, it’s now or ever!”
Sophie complies and charges right into Kazuya head on and the result of the blow stuns him further. Sophie wastes no time in launching a fast speedy punch combo that greatly resembles the one used by his brother, Jin. Kazuya could not defend himself as Sophie strikes one last punch, which was full of Angel power that explodes on contact.
“Father, admit defeat.”
Kazuya still had some fight left in him and fires another devil beam at Sophie who used her large and white Angel wings to defend herself and when Kazuya fires again Sophie dodges it at the last second and fires a very powerful Angel beam that literally defeats Kazuya.
Sophie flew in and delivered one last punch at Kazuya as he slowly falls back down to earth.
“And now the Mishima bloodline has been saved.”
“Don’t think that this is over, Sophie!”
Kazuya falls back down to the earth with Sophie staring back down at him and Jin flew by her side.
“You did it, Sophie.”
“Yes, brother...I think I did. Hopefully they will be no more of this.”
“I know...It was you, Sophie...The one that gave us our soul back.”
Apparently, when Sophie came close in contact with Heihachi, Jinpachi and Jin, their souls gradually return and their personalities changed partially to Angel’s subconscious powers. Sophie knew that victory was no hers alone, it was the combined effort of herself, Jin, Heihachi, Jinpachi and even Lars that defeated Kazuya.

Kazuya slams back down into the earth and the impact of him left a giant crater right next to the destroyed casino building and he was reverted back to his original self. He lies flat on his back staring at the sky as one or two white feathers floated down on him.
He gets back up and still stubbornly wishes to fight on even in his current state.
“I will not give up and...”
Suddenly, someone puts a hand on Kazuya’s left shoulder from behind and instantly Kazuya felt a little uneasy.
“What the...”
Kazuya turns around and sees none other than Jun Kazama, his former love and she looks at him with stern and serious eyes.
“This has to stopped.”
“Your evil shall end here and now, Kazuya Mishima.”
Zafina appears and she puts her hand on Kazuya’s right shoulder firmly and holds something that look very familiar to Kazuya himself.
“Remember this?”
“That is...”
Zafina puts the demon Azarel’s orb right on Kazuya’s chest and gradually the devil energy was sucked out of his body and into the energy orb. During this event, Kazuya was like a struggling corpse as though his life energy was being sucked out and eventually Kazuya faints as all of the devil’s power were now contained inside the orb.
“It’s done, Jun.”
“It has indeed.”
Heihachi, Jinpachi, Jin and Sophie gathers around to witness this important event.
“Behold...” began Zafina holding the orb that contains Kazuya’s devil essence. “The devil shall never return to his world again!”
Zafina mutters some incantation and then smashes the orb to the ground and the devil chi evaporates into thin air and as it left it gave off a shriek kind of sound.
“Now, the devil is no more.”
“It’s over, yes?”
“Yes, it is, Sophie.” replied Heihachi as Nina arrives with many Mishima Zaibatsu’s soldiers.
“Gentlemen, Jin...Sophie.”
Kazuya was coming around when Heihachi orders the men to restrain Kazuya.
“Men, bound him securely!”
The Mishima Zaibatsu’s soldiers still obey Heihachi’s orders as they were bound by law to follow orders from their CEOs (even former ones except for Kazuya) without question. Couple of dozen soldiers tied Kazuya up with chains as he struggle but it was futile as he was forced on his knees in front of his father, son, grandfather, daughter and her former lover.
“Kazuya, it looks like you have lost.”
“Yes...I have.”
Kazuya still shows an evil grin on his face despite the turn of events.
“But you know my ambition remains strong.”
“You are always like that, my grandson.”
“I have to admit defeat...Sophie, you are truly one of us. As your father...I am very proud of you.”
“I take that as a compliment...Father.”
“Take him away.” uttered Jinpachi as the soldiers took Kazuya away and not far away, Alcazar was with Raven and Steve as they all watch as the remaining G Corp soldiers were escort off to the large prison transport. Paul Phoenix and his gang were also among them as they were escorted to the second prison transport by Lei Wu Long and Yoshimitsu.
“You will pay for this, Lei!”
“Anything you wish to say...You can say it in prison, Paul.”
“GRRR! You!”
“You evil souls deserve what you get.”
“I won’t forget this!”
Bryan Fury struggles as Lei orders two Interpol men to give him a piece of their minds by hitting him with nightsticks.
“Come on, keep moving!”
“And remain silent!”
Miguel, Craig, King and Marshall were all grunting like wild beasts as Miguel growls when he caught sight of Jin Kazama.
“You! I will make you pay for this!”
The Mishima Zaibatsu soldiers obey and belted Miguel with their weapons and then escort them out as right behind them was Hwoarang and his men as Hwoarang barks at his hateful enemy, Jin.
“You bastard! I will have at you next time! I will!”

Sure enough, the students of both classes gather together as they see Andy and his team heading towards them along with Xiaoyu and Miharu who were both still in one piece.
“Guys, everyone.”
Michelle and Ivy move over to Andy as Ivy being childish hits him in the face.
“Andrew Zhang...You are the most reckless and bravest person I have known. It’s um...It’s good to see you alive.”
“Thanks, Ivy.”
Andy and Ivy exchange a good hug as Michelle being calm and gentle shows her affection by giving Andy a kiss on the cheek.
“Glad to see you are alive, Andy.”
“Thanks, Michelle.”
Michael and Patricia exchange a warm hug as well as both Chris and Shirley. Samuel and Joey both pat Ross and Colin on the shoulder for a job well done. Vivian exchanged a friendly hug with Anna and Vernoica while Natsu was greeted by Leo, Patroklos and Xiba. Alisa helps Lars out of the rubble he was half buried in as Lars comes to his senses.
“Did we...Did we win?”
“Good...I am glad to hear it.”

At that moment, Alex wonders where was Sophie as she was strolling towards him with Sophie was panting slightly as it took a lot out of her from all the fighting and she was reverted back to her old self and her clothes were still a bit worn and torn.
Alex hugs Sophie who felt quite contented as Alex withdrew away and congratulates Sophie on defeating her father and helped bring down G Corporation.
“You did it, Sophie...You have defeated your father and brought down G Corporation. And you have saved me.”
“I um...I wouldn’t say that.” replied Sophie as she became slightly bashful.
“I know.”
Sophie then out of the blue gives a genuine kiss on Alex’s cheek as everyone was in awe and pleased of the event.
“Would you look at that, Mike?”
“Yes, Andy...I saw that very clearly.”

Sure enough, Bob Richards comes and informs Lei Wu Long that Lee Chaolan was nowhere to be found.
“You are kidding me, right?”
“No, Lei...According to Lars, he should have been close to him when he was half buried by the rubble.”
“The men have combed the area back and forward.”
“Well, we will worry about him later.”
“You sure, Lei? From what I heard he can be a tricky fellow.”
Alcazar strolls to where Lei and Bob were as he was accompanied by Raven and Steve. Eventually, Nina, Eddy, Christie as well as Jun and Julia also joined them. Yoshimitsu mysterious disappeared as he likes to do that often.
“Thank you all, my friends...I guess it is time we all took a bit of rest.” uttered Alcazar brushing the sweat off his brow. “Caramba.”
Alcazar then gets a text on his cell phone and it was from Carreidas.
“Well, I will be damned.”
“What is it, Ramon?” asked Steve.
“Well, good old Laszlo has already found us a plane to get us back to Sydney.”
“We are suppose to meet him there now.”
“Now? It would take us at least half an hour to get there.”
“I know...I will tell him we will get there asap.”
“Raven, guys...Would you um...”
“We will take care of things here, Ramon...You need not worry.”
“Yes, we will have this placed clean up and transport most of the prisoners to Stanley Prison in Hong Kong.”
“And what about our evil host?”
“Well, Heihachi actually suggest that Kazuya would be send to the maximum security prison at Mahoratraz.”
“Yes, Ramon...It is a small isolated island off the coast of southern Japan, which now has a large security prison built there to hold the most evil criminals in the world.”
“When did they...”
“Oh, not too long ago, my friend.” replied Lei with sarcasm in his tone of voice.
“You and your students should head back to Sydney...They really need the rest.”
“Of course...Thank you, amigos. Hope we catch up soon.”
“We will. Right, Lei?”
“Indeed, Raven...Adios, amigo.”

While Lei and Raven joins Jin, Bob, Nina, Eddy and Christie to police up the place and the prisoners. Alcazar calls for all the students and teachers over as he has something important to tell them all.
“My fellow students and fellow staff...First of all, I want to compliment you all on a job well done.”
All the students jump with joy and the staff gave themselves a pat on the back.
“And now we shall be returning home to Sydney...And just remember students, that the School Certificate would be happening soon but there is still time to prepare for it and the teachers as well as yours truly have every confidence in you. So, let us head back at once...Deputy Principal Carreidas will meet us there. Heihachi, Steve...Take charge.”
“Aye...Okay, class A...In two lines, boy and girl.”
“Class B...Single file please.”
A tour bus came by and was no doubt send by Lei Wu Long and all the students and staff hop onto the bus. Xiaoyu looks out the window to see Jin doing the right thing, which was something she will never forget.
“Oh, Jin...”
“Still thinking about him, Xiaoyu?”
Panda and Kuma manages to fit themselves into the back of the bus this time but it was kind a squeeze but they were comfortable nonetheless. Heihachi and Steve does a count as the other staff, Jun, Julia and Zafina sat themselves near the front. Jun communicates with his son using telepathy, which of course he could hear.
“My son...It is the new age for you. Sophie is the beacon of hope and the best help we have...Trust in her.”
Jin nods and replies to his mother through telepathy.
“I understand, mother...I will do what I can to help my sister.”

Therefore, the bus departs and head to the airport where Carreidas was waiting.
“Well, a job well done...Looks like the downfall of G Corporation has lifted the people’s hearts in Macau.”
“I suppose so, amigo.” replied Alcazar sounding quite pleased.
“But will it last?”
“Well, Jun...It will for a time.”
“I suppose so.”
“Well, let’s get going then...Our students are all rather exhausted from all the commotion that has happened in the last few days.”
“I can’t argue with that logic...Okay, students. Let’s get through customs and onto the plane. Let’s go home to Sydney.”

Sure enough, all the staff and students got through customs and boarded the plane QF-123 back to Sydney as the whole plane was chartered by Carreidas so that the only passengers onboard were the staff themselves and the students. The staff had some refreshments while most of the students were asleep as they were all quite worn out themselves. Heihachi and Jun sat together and glances back at where Sophie was sitting as she sat next to Alex and the two of them were sleeping peacefully and they were holding hands.
“Well, that is a sight to behold.”
“Indeed...Sophie does have feelings and affection for Alex.”
“Yes...Just looking at them makes me feel thirty years younger. You know, Jun...I might consider dating again.”
“Is that sarcasm I hear, Heihachi?”
“Well, if you put it that way...Yes.”
“Of course...I like the new you.”
“Take that as a compliment.”
Heihachi then has something quite important to plan and Jun could sense what it was.
“There is still something that you need to do, Heihachi?”
“As a matter of fact...Yes, I do.”
“Who will be the next person to run the Mishima Zaibatsu?”
“Indeed and um...” began Heihachi as he receives a text message on his cell phone and quickly checks it.
“Well, speak of the devil.”
“Is that from...”
“Yes, from Nina...She says Jin has decided to step down as leader of the Zaibatsu and form his own crime-fighting organization.”
“I see...My son too has change to follow the right path.”
“I imagine so.”
“So, who do you have in mind?”
“Well, actually...I do have a person in mind, Jun. However, it is not the time yet.”
“I will have to discuss this with my father.”
“Very well...If that is what you wish.”

The plane threw right over the South China Sea and continue the flight path to Sydney as the sunset was pure red and orange, which indicates good weather in the days ahead.

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